Sunday, April 08, 2007

How to delete / remove a testimonial from Orkut Account profile

Recently (and now too) many viruses spread in which sent testimonials and scraps in Portuguese with links to the viruses' website (always disgiused as a or or other short url) ( the extensions being rndx, muyt1, asd1 , yompks, ...)

Contagion - Worms spreading via

Well, the problem is that many people don't know how to delete a testimonial from their orkut profile / account.

How to delete / remove a testimonial from Orkut Account profile

  1. Open your profile page in orkut. (Yes, of course I know your profile page !)
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
  3. Click "view all" (
  4. It goes to the next page with an option "remove" for each testimonial.
  5. Click "remove" It goes "poof" without a warning.
  6. Tell others about this site

All the best ...
Also see :

Orkut tips & tricks and hacks

Virus links in Orkut Scrapbook and testimonials
Testimonial and scrapbook orkut viruses - Orkut testim...
Contagion - Worms spreading via
Orkut testimonial virus worm
How to remove the Orcu virus ...

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