Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Portuguese spam on Orkut connectfast

Orkut has always been a breeding ground for spammers, who can target specific categories of people. Thus they also get a good response.

But why would they target me - in Portuguese ? Do they thinkI can read Portuguese just because a majority of Orkutters are Brazilian ???

Here's the spam. Enjoy.




And Yeah - Spam that email if u want, spambots - They are spammers too, just like u.
Nice to fight spam with spam huh ?

Wish it would stop once Google's Wave becomes the next email - I mean the Wave replaces email.

Didn't understand what that Portuguese meant ?

Well, after removing the underscores,
Olá trabalho com abertura de loja de informática, gostaria de lhe apresentar nossa franquia O principal benefício é que criamos uma loja para você sem que precise comprar estoque, administramos toda logística e ainda cuidamos do marketing, sem necessidade de ter CNPJ. MSN

I put it in Google translate with Auto Language detect.

It gave me this :

Hello work with an open store, I would like to introduce you our franchise

The main benefit is that you create a store without the need to buy inventory, manage and handle all logistics of marketing, without need for CNPJ.

MSN-connectfast_300 @
Well, good for them

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