Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wakie App lets a Stranger wake you up over the internet on your phone

There are way too many alarm apps, many with their innovative take on how to wake you up - from doing calculations, to shouting at you to making you walk to making you take photos of your kitchen table to waking you up gently based on your sleep cycles. But those are still not enough.

Wakie on Android, Windows and iOS

This particular app - called Wakie, allows you to call someone(via internet) who has set an alarm(on this app) and talk to them and wake them up. When you set an alarm, anybody, from anywhere in the world may call you through the app and wake you.

It may or may not be a good thing, but it would give you an unforgettable wake-up call.

Here are a few experiences of Wakie users on reddit. Unforgettable ?

  • "The other day I got woken up by a very drunk sounding Russian guy, apparently in a loud bar. I don't think he knew how to say anything other than "Wake Up" in English."

  • "Set an alarm to go off two minutes later and got "woken up" by a nice sounding lady saying, "Awwwww, wakie wakie kissing sounds. Then woke someone up by saying "THIS IS AGENT NICK FURY FROM SHIELD. WAKE UP, YOUR PLANET NEEDS YOU." Probably never uninstalling this."

  • I've been woken up by screaming teens asking if I love them.

  • "I think I just ended a relationship... Tried the app, woke two people up. The first was cool, said I'm awake thanks, and the second not so cool. I could hear a man and a woman, and when she realised that I could hear them too, she started freaking out on the guy. I tried to explain, but the one minute timer was up. :-/ "

  • "I was awakened by a sultry Russian voice a bit slurred with fatigue or alcohol or sex, hard to tell. She breathlessly wished me a good morning and emitted a long, luxurious yawn that ended in delighted giggles. This is Maximillian, she said. He is naughty. Very, very naughty. The naughtiest little dog in all of St. Petersburg. I agreed. Yes, in all of St. Petersburg. The call went dead, and I stared into the darkness of a Seattle morning. I am Max, I thought. And he is me. And we will be naughty all the day long." - MochiMochiMochi

  • "Um...hey...hi...could you wake up please?"

  • "Play a song via youtube (just hold your phone up to your computer speakers). Some girl called me and played "Chop Suey" (wake up WAKE UP!). We sung together."

  • "I just tried it out and it's funny as hell! I picked up and some guy was calmly saying something in Russian, then I said "hello, who is this?" Then he said "OH, AMERICAN? JFKSIDJRJDOCUDHEJFOSOSJFJCIFIWKEBRIGIWJRNGOGOWPRNTTI"

  • "A nice couple waked me up and said 'good morning sunshine time to wake up I like this app'."

  • A British guy was woken up by someone sounding like the Queen of England.

Wakie available for Android, iOS and Windows phone.

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