Saturday, May 16, 2015

How to access flipkart website on mobile/tablet - Flipkart and Myntra go app only

Some major Indian eShopping websites don't seem to get it. closed down their website and went to a mobile-App-only model from the beginning of this month.

Even Flipkart is starting to do the same. And Flipkart has announced they will also shut down the website and become App-Only within a year.

Michael Adnani, vice president (retail and head of brand alliances) at Flipkart said that although last year despite getting more app users, Flipkart continued to be on the web platform, next year it would be mobile only. “A year ago, 6% of our traffic was coming from mobile. In less than 18 months, that traffic is 10-fold. That shows the significance of what a mobile phone is doing for the consumers and consequently doing for us,” he said

Smartly, Amazon India and Snapdeal have announced that they will do no such thing.

Downloading and installing an App just for eWindowShopping is going to be tedious. Not to mention the wastage of mobile space and RAM to install an app which may be rarely used.

Well, right now, if you got to on a mobile browser, it asks you to install the App.
No option to browse the website(even though it can be accessed on desktop)

The workaround is this :

  • In your mobile browser, click options > Request Desktop site
  • Go to
  • Get the flipkart website on mobile

But this is going to end soon.
Get the Flipkart App from here now before the website shuts down.(I get a little commission if you download and install the app) 

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