Saturday, May 16, 2015

Are doctors in India unhappy with the system - Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan writes

Dr Roshan received this message about the situation for Indian doctors 

Anesthesiologist and dog's best friend, Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan writes about why he would never let his children become doctors in India.

He begins with a story about a group of kids who stoned an innocent dog believing they did the right thing.

But then he moves on to the ground situation of doctors in India, how tough it is for them to enter the medical field and pass through it, selflessly working but always misjudged.

The risks they have to endure in the workplace, from diseases, patients and patient attenders. The medicolegal issues, and the fact that the judiciary takes wrong decisions based on things it does not understand.

Go on - read the article here :

Another interesting article from his blog :

Dr Roshan is Winner of the "Best Creative Writing Blog in India - 2014" award

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