Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson - fake news

I want to state for the record that I love the Album Thriller and most of the songs in it are timeless. Because CD's had just come in at that time and there was no CD copying or file sharing it became the biggest seller of all time and will remain that way. It is a great album.

But MJ lost his way after that smash hit and except for one or two known songs he made forgettable songs. He probably could have made his living from his royalties of the Beatles songs he purchased for a paltry $47 million and touring the world playings his hits. Instead he started to behave aberrantly. Probably some of the child molestation charges were extortion and blackmail but there was underlying basis as he himself admitted; otherwise this would not have occurred at all.

May his soul rest in peace.

Neverland Ranch Investigators Discover Corpse Of Real Michael Jackson

SANTA BARBARA, CA—During a search for evidence at the Neverland Valley Ranch, investigators discovered a corpse that has been identified as that of Michael Jackson, Santa Barbara police officials announced Tuesday.

"Coroners have officially pronounced Michael Jackson dead. From what we can tell, he died between 18 and 20 years ago," forensic investigator Tim Holbrooke said. "We are not certain, at this time, who—or what—has been standing trial in that Santa Maria courthouse."

According to Holbrooke, Jackson's corpse was buried just inches below a stretch of the miniature-train tracks that run throughout Neverland. The largely desiccated corpse wore the remains of a red, zipper-covered leather jacket and a single glove.

"We positively identified the body as Jackson by his dental records and DNA," Holbrooke said. "But even before we conducted a single forensic test, we began to suspect that that we'd uncovered the real Michael, and that the disturbing figure claiming to be Jackson was a fake."

Holbrooke said that, although the corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition, when investigators compared the body to early-career publicity photos of Jackson, they saw a striking resemblance in bone structure and facial features. But when they compared the body to photos taken after 1987, the resemblance was negligible.

"This discovery raises a lot of questions, but it also sheds light on a number of disturbing incidents," Holbrooke said. "Frankly, Jackson had been acting pretty strange."

Enlarge Image Neverland

Investigators move Jackson's body, found buried at Neverland Ranch (above).

Forensic experts and music critics are postulating that Jackson was dead before the release of the multi-platinum album Bad. Detectives are currently analyzing the lyrics to "Man In The Mirror" for any clues relating to a look-alike entity that many suspect murdered the youngest member of the Jackson 5 and assumed his identity.

"We believe that Neverland served as some sort of freakishly whimsical tomb constructed by Jackson's killer," Holbrooke said. "We also suspect that all of the iniquities that occurred on that ranch were the work of the imposter. I wouldn't have ever thought it possible, but we are looking at a situation where the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old cancer patient is the tip of the iceberg."

Holbrooke said that, while the living Jackson is the leading suspect in the murder investigation, he "could be another victim of some sort."
(copied and pasted from the Onion)

The Onion is a fake news site !!!

Meanwhile, in real news :

Leaked autopsy reveals 'emaciated' dying Michael Jackson

Los Angeles | June 30, 2009

MICHAEL Jackson was anorexic, almost bald and had only pills in his stomach at the time of his death, The Sun newspaper reported yesterday.

Quoting details from a leaked autopsy report, the British tabloid reported that the King of Pop, once famed for his on-stage athleticism, had plunged to a "severely emaciated" 50.8kg.

The paper added there were four injection sites above or near the singer's heart as efforts failed to restart it when Jackson was found unconscious in his rented mansion on Friday.

The singer "was a virtual skeleton - barely eating and with only pills in his stomach at the time he died", the paper said.

His "hips, thighs and shoulders were riddled with needle wounds - believed to be the result of injections of narcotic painkillers, given three times a day for years.

"And a mass of surgery scars were thought to be the legacy of at least 13 cosmetic operations."

The paper quoted a source close to the Jackson entourage as saying: "Michael's family and fans will be horrified when they realise the appalling state he was in.

"His doctors and the hangers-on stood by as he self-destructed. Somebody is going to have to pay."

Arriving at the Black Entertainment Television awards in Los Angeles last night, Michael Jackson's father, Joe, said he "had concerns" about the circumstances surrounding the King of Pop's death.

"I have a lot of concerns but I can't get into that ... I don't like what happened. I wish the world had recognised him when he was living," he said said prior to the ceremony.

Wearing black sunglasses and with a red jacket like the one worn by his son slung over his shoulders, Jackson angered fans by making a commercial plug for his Blue-ray technology business during a live interview on CNN television.

"Talking about Blu-ray technology. That's the next step," Mr Jackson said prompting outrage on the blogosphere.

Making her first appearance since her brother's death, Janet Jackson took to the stage at the end of the awards ceremony and explained that while Michael Jackson was an icon to many people around the world, to the Jacksons "he was family".

"My entire family wanted to be here tonight, but it was just too painful, so they elected me to be here.

"On behalf of my family and myself, thank you for all your love. He will forever live in all of our hearts. We miss him so much."

After she spoke, the audience rose in an emotional standing ovation. The Oscar-winning actor and rapper Jamie Foxx then closed the show singing the Jackson 5 hit I'll Be There to a backdrop of photographs of the star, reducing many to tears.

Producers of the annual awards show - which recognises the best in African-American music, acting and sports - revamped the event to meet the moment. Giving out trophies was an afterthought; honouring Jackson became the show's focus.

"This is for you, Michael Jackson," said Beyonce, as she held up her trophy for best female R&B artist. "I have to thank Michael for being my future and my hero."

Meanwhile, speculation mounted over whether Jackson's use of painkillers contributed to his death. Los Angeles County medical examiners completed their autopsy on Saturday and said Jackson had taken unspecified prescription medication.

The Associated Press quoted a lawyer for Jackson's doctor as saying the singer still had a faint pulse and his body was warm when he was found in bed not breathing.

Edward Chernoff, a lawyer for Conrad Murray, said he had never prescribed or given Jackson the drugs Demerol or OxyContin. He also denied reports suggesting Dr Murray gave Jackson drugs that contributed to his death.

Mr Chernoff said Dr Murray was at the pop icon's home when he discovered Jackson in bed and not breathing. The doctor immediately began administering CPR, Mr Chernoff said.

Jackson's family requested a private autopsy in part because of questions about Dr Murray, the Reverend Jesse Jackson said on Sunday.

Dr Murray also told the family that another autopsy should be performed, Mr Chernoff said. There was no word from the Jackson family on funeral plans. Many of Jackson's relatives have gathered at the family's Encino compound, caring there for Jackson's three children.

Baptist minister and family friend Al Sharpton, who arrived in Los Angeles on Sunday, said he was heading to the Jackson compound and would talk to the family about how to memorialise the late pop star. Reverend Sharpton said they wanted to hold memorials around the globe and also planned a memorial service tomorrow at the Apollo Theatre in New York.

Meanwhile, a lawyer for the Jackson family said no one had yet seen the late superstar's will.

The Times, AP, AFP

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