Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fundas on removing “Orkut is banned” svchost.exe heap41a virus


Did you get this error message when you try to open orkut ???

It is a virus that spreads through pen drives (or flash or thumb drives) or USB digital cameras or iPods or MP3 players or mobile phones and any mass storage device !!!

How to remove this virus ???

Very Simple !

How to remove “Use Internet Explorer you dope, I dnt hate Mozilla but use IE`r OR ELSE…” svchost.exe heap41a virus

How to remove the Orkut and Firefox and Youtube banning virus ?


  • First press Control-Alt-Delete (Ctrl-Alt-Del is called the three finger exercise in Windows)
  • There Click Processes , then click User Name to arrange according to users.
  • Now, look for svchost.exe run by User name “user” or “admin” or “your computer name” There will be two of them. Right click and end both the svchost.exe processes where the User Name is NOT “SYSTEM” or “NETWORK SERVICE” or “LOCAL SERVICE” Only where the user name is “USER” or “ADMIN” or “ADMINISTRATOR” or “your name”
  • Next Click Start > Run > Type cmd in the box and press enter (Just get the Command Prompt of DOS - C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe)
  • There in the black Command Line, type “ cd \ ” and press Enter
  • It has to change to C:\>
  • Next, type attrib -s -r -h heap41a /s /d and press Enter
  • Then Open C: on My computer and delete the folder heap41a ie C:\heap41a
  • Then remove C:\heap41a\svchost.exe shortcut from C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (Or Start > All Programs >Startup)
  • That’s all
  • Then clean the pen drive
More intstructions are available here :

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