Sunday, April 08, 2007

Blogger customize mode=layout problem

I'm having this irritating problem with the customize option in Blogger. Instead of going to the normal Template > Page Elements , it just goes to Layout mode (mode=layout)

It just goes to that page randomly. It doesn't affect all of blogger at the same time even. I even had Template > Page Elements working perfectly on one blog and

Now, this Layout mode (mode=layout) thing is really lame !!!
I can't change the layout. You (and I too) can't add more things to the layout. You can't even move the things around. The only thing you can do is edit the widgets which are already there.

This is the page it goes to : blog id)&mode=layout

When it should actually stay in this page : id)

If anyone knows why this is happening, or how to get back the original rearrange page, please let me know.

Until then , no more widgets ....

More on this later. ( Once I figure out how to solve this problem)

Check out fundas, puzzles - tip and tricks.

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I tried clearing the cache, using IE (yuck!) - still had the same problem.

Then, I did the unthinkable. I reset my blog template.
I went to Template , but once that tab loads, it automatically goes to blog id)&mode=layout

So, what did I do ?
I clicked template and before the page loaded fully, I clicked on Pick New Template.

There I picked a new template then picked my original template. I loast all my color customizatons and html modifications though ... And the elements got rearranged again ...

Now, the Page Elements tab work properly.

1 comment:

  1. You may want to try clearing out your internet history and cache. Also try using a different browser. I have had this problem with Blogger and had to use IE (YUK) to do certain things. Just a few thoughts. Good luck
