Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Say no to reservation

The policy of the politicians to divide and rule to gain votes is clearly brought out through the reservation quota being increased to a staggering 49.5%. This is definitely cutting off the seats available to normal people born into a socially disadvantaged non-reserved class. One must realize that the Open Category seats allow everyone – SC, ST, OBC, anyone – to gain admission based on their merit. There is a myth in many minds that removing or reducing reservation means that doors are closed to the ‘backward’ classes. It only opens the door wider to include the now disadvantaged non-reserved class. The perfect strategy is to reserve seats in coaching institutions for ‘backward’ classes so that they can develop the merit themselves and compete like the rest of the country to gain their rightful place. Remember – Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day and maybe beg for free fish everyday. But teach a man to fish and he can fish to earn his living. Provide coaching at primary school level , develop the skill and let everyone compete at an equal level.

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  1. Reservations .. Thats the buzz word at the moment...

    you had ur say!

  2. Reservations .. Thats the buzz word at the moment...

    you had ur say!

  3. Politicians want OBC to remain backward since that is good for their votebank. So they wont improve the primary education but do this kind of things to eyewash the poor people

  4. Precisely, Brijesh. All they care for is their votes.

  5. u know i hear so much abt how the reservations are a huge mistake and blah blah......what i wud like to hear is a comprehensive solution to end this.i cud not come up with any....u have a solution to end it?.....

  6. For the short term, withdraw all reservations at the Post Graduate level.

    There is definitely no need for reservations at PG level (this is particularly relevant in medical profession where PG is an essential degree) when for 5and 1/2 years you have the same teachers, same books, same colleges, ....

    Then slowly(the fastest possible) but surely improve the primary education standards - give reservation in schools , make sure the kids don't drop out of school (a very important factor now).

    Provide coaching centers with reservation and train the people who cry reservation to compete on their own with hard work.

    Teach a person to fish and he can fish to earn his living, throw him free fish and he'll just not learn ...

  7. Einstein said to do the same things expecting different reults is a sign of insanity(paraphrased).
    I expect this would relate to voting considering it is so corrupted.
    It might also be applied to the education system considering they don't teach us 'how to learn', but rather 'what to know'...subsequently we are always falling behind because what we know is always changing.
    I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking.
    your humble servant,
    Ancient Clown
