Thursday, July 26, 2007

FunDaZone.Com temporarily down !!!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, is being temporarily redirected here.

Once the problem is sorted out (and I get time to access the internet), I will be able to redirect back to the site. If u need to access and came to this page, please wait for a few hours before you try again. It will probably be back online by then !!!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Free Medical textbooks in Mumabai, Bomaby, Maharashtra - MBBS 2nd year college - Pharmacology, PSM Parks, Orhtopaedics, Foresic Reddy

Attention medical students in Mumbai / Bombay

Here is a real life hero who wants to give away his medical books free !

From: ranjithunnikrishnan
Subject: Medical text books

If you are around mumbai then this might be of help to you.
I have some text books( used, in good cosmetic condition) which i am ready to give away( of course FREE) . If interestedl then you have to arrange pick up…

The titles are

1. PSM :Park-16 th Edition

2.Review in Community Medicine seshubabu 2 nd Edition

3.R Satoskar & Bhandarkar: Pharmacology & theraputics: 14 th Edition

4. K.D Tripathi: Pharmacology 3r d Edition

5.Medical Microbiology : A Panicker 4 th Edition

6.Guytons medical physiology 8 th Edition

7.O.P Ghai Paediatrics 4 th Edition

8.API Textbook of medicine 5 th Editon


Ahuja 4 hth Ed 1 nos, 5th Ed 1 nos

10.PJ mehta ; Practical Medicine: 11 th

11. Das Clinical Surgery

12. Das Operative Surgery

13. Short cases in surgery ; S.K Bhattacharya

14 ROCK WOOD and Green : Fractures in adults and children 3 Vols 3 rd edition

15.Clinical Orthopaeidcs : Craig

16.Essential Orthopaediscs : J Maheswari :1 Nos, 2 nde editon

17: D C Dutta : Obstetrics 4 th Edition

18:Manipal Manual of Surgery;

19: DK Notes. Surgery

20 Massachusets Pain Manual: 2 nd Edition

21: Hand book of medicine : Golwala 16 th Edition

22: Hand book of Ophtalmology : Seetharaman 2 nd Editon 2 nos

23: Khopkar ; Skin & VD

24: P.G SION Notes in Orthopaedics ( Long case ans short cases) Bound in 3 vols



Ranjith Unnikrishnan MS(Orth), DNB ( orth), FCPS( orth), D Orth, MNAMS Orth

Contact :

ranjith unnikrishnan (there is no space)

@ [do not spam this account]

(its not at gmail .com in

New 7 wonders results declared in Lisbon, Portugal on 7/7/7

The New7Wonders organization is happy to announce the following 7 candidates have been elected to represent global heritage throughout history.

Chichén Itzá, Mexico Christ Redeemer, Brazil The Great Wall, China Machu Picchu, Peru

Petra, Jordan The Roman Colloseum, Italy The Taj Mahal, India

Friday, July 06, 2007

orkut Blog: Welcome!

orkut Blog: Welcome!

What's new with orkut ?
Orkut has startes a what's new blog !!! Better late than never, it took a long time coming. Even the chat thingie - the gmail chat should be integrated into Orkut.

We are using google accounts anyway, and not all people can install a Google talk client for chatting.

The Gmail chat works in almost any setting

An easy way ti strat it iss, after logging in to orkut, just open Gmail in a new tab (Use Firefox !!!), or a new browser window

No need for Google Talk